Sunday, May 5, 2013

Prayers for pregnancy

Hey all! I'm going to keep this post short and sweet, as it is late and I am probably gonna head to bed soon, but I felt in my heart like I wanted to share briefly the news we've received about IVF.

My husband and I have worked up a schedule for IVF and we're starting treatment THIS MONTH.

Schedule of "events"

Shots: May 24th-June 4th
Egg aspiration: June 5th
Egg transfer: June 10th

Dates are tentative, as my cycle will determine the true course of events, but this is a pretty good estimate.

I suppose what really compelled me to write this is because I am scared. And excited. And nervous. All three to an overwhelming degree. I am fighting my fear of surgery again, as well as trying to avoid the nagging concern that this treatment won't be successful. I don't know what all the risks are. I am worried about more babies resulting than I can carry safely for everyone involved.

What I would love is prayers, that I stay safe and healthy during the process, that we may be blessed at last with a baby, and that the pregnancy is full-term and successful.

I will keep you guys posted on things as they happen!

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