It's been forever people. Or so it seems. Really just a few months. How is it possible that so much has happened in that amount of time? Don't wish to bore with details, and so here is everyone's favorite quick and easy to read form of writing: the list (/timeline):
1. Month of May; got comfortable poking myself in various places with various lengths of all-very scary looking syringes. Set up our dining room table to prep shots, and it looked like I'd gone into the drug dealing biz.
2. June 5th, I had 29 eggs (I think? can't remember exact number?) removed. 17 were mature enough to be inseminated. Relaxed (ha!) at home, phone always close by for every-other-day updates on how many eggs were still good for implantation.
3. June 10th, the best two were selected and placed back in me, and we got a packet of our little blastocysts. They're so cute when they'e microscopic!
4. Following week, went in for a pregnancy test, and it was positive! Wow!
5. July 2nd, we went in for our first ultrasound, and saw two small black "blobs". It was twins. It was also a good thing I was laying down. Excitement ensues, and we celebrate that night with dinner and non-alcoholic champagne with family.
6. July 3rd, developed all the scary symptoms that appeared to indicate, without doubt, that I was having a miscarriage. Received instruction to strict bed red and extra shots until I could be seen right after the holiday.
7. July 5th, went in to the clinic with a heavy heart, completely unsure of what to expect.
But they were still there. And they had invited a friend. Or rather, made one up. One of the twins had split in two, and there were three flashing heartbeats on the screen. Triplets. Biggest surprise of my life. Best blessing of my life. And I just lay there on the table, the doctor's detailing of this high risk pregnancy blurring into the background, mixed with my own dumbfounded, repetitive babble of "Three? THREE? Wow! What a surprise! Three? Really? WOW!" visions of my husband with the biggest grin on his face that I've ever seen laughing through tears becoming harder to see as my own eyes filled with tears of relief, and just a little bit of panic, but it's to be expected when you learn you're carrying three babies. THREE? Wow!
I've been doing my best to stay positive. It's something that's much easier said than done. The triplets are high risk, as the twins still share a placenta and sac (though a membrane has formed to separate them a little). They haven't given Mommy any more reasons to worry, as they grow larger and larger each time I see them on the ultrasound screen, ever the overachievers displaying their tiny flickering heartbeats just a few days after I thought there were only two (and nothing could be seen beyond a little black sac). A few ultrasounds ago, they all had strong heartbeats that brought their mama to tears.
I'm in my 13th week now. My RE was pleased with my progress and is passing me on to a perinatologist, an OBGYN specializing in high-risk pregnancies. We are by no means out of the woods, but knowing how precious and fleeting life and its' blessings can be, I'm trying my best to enjoy each day of being a "sacred vessel", waiting eagerly for the day that I can hold my children, praying I'll be given the opportunity and honor to do so, when the time is right.