Quick post, this mama is tired!
Latest pictures (as of yesterday) of the munchkins three, top and bottom are of the twins, singleton in the middle :) They all looked like they were doing jazzercise in my tummy, I about cried seeing them wiggle around. The singleton looked like he/she had the hiccups, and was sucking his/her thumb (which I read they can actually do by 14 weeks, crazy!
Love our new doctor too, he was calm, sweet and very professional, one of those fantastic physicians who answers all but two of the long list of questions you had in your head before arriving without having to ask, and gave us lots of opportunities to ask more during our chat, in which he put everything in non-scary, easy-to-understand terminology. We've got a good one! Ironically, when we first walked into the office, they had these big collages of pictures of babies they have delivered at the clinic, first one I saw in that whole sea of photos was my doctor proudly holding a set of triplets. Good omen, methinks :)
So I'm following Dr. B's advice, especially his policy of "no wiggin' out" :) He was nothing but compassionate about my anxiety, and put me at ease, and if he puts me at ease, that's saying something!
Okay, going to hit the hay! Enjoy the photos, I'll keep y'all posted!
Love, Mallory
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